Liberty School Shop

Help earn money for our school by purchasing gift cards for your everyday regular purchases! Gift card orders are available to school families and the community!

Orders are due each Monday and must be turned in by noon! You will receive your gift card order on Friday of that same week. Order forms and a drop box are on the elementary side of the building, outside the Pre-K basement door. If there is no school on a Monday, an order will not be placed that week. 

Order forms are also available on the school website, linked below. Please complete the order forms, including how you want to receive your cards.
Families of children at Liberty School can also earn cash credits toward registration fees. Last year, we applied almost $1000 toward registration fees for 50+ families. If no registration fees apply to your student, the money remains with the school shop to be used for teacher grants. Any money earned beyond registration fees also remains in the school shop fund. 

If you do not have a child who attends Liberty School, Liberty Bank is a pick-up option for you! We appreciate your support! If you have any questions, please email